
HIDProxCardII感應厚卡.ProxCardII感應卡是業內首選具有成本效益的感應門禁控制解決方案,廣泛相容各種HID感應讀卡器。ProxCardII提供耐用的封裝和始終如一的 ...,供應中評分3.9(10)Theyareeasytoactivate!Theyaregoodquality!Someofthesesamecardshavebeenusedforover10yearsandstillgoing!Weusethese ...,Lowfrequency,entry-levelproximitycardsforphysicalaccesscontrol.,PegasusisinEMProximityCardindustryforthepast30y...

HID Global

HID ProxCard II 感應厚卡. ProxCard II 感應卡是業內首選具有成本效益的感應門禁控制解決方案,廣泛相容各種HID 感應讀卡器。ProxCard II 提供耐用的封裝和始終如一的 ...

HID Proximity Prox Card II 1326 門禁控制組25 個鑰匙卡26 位元

供應中 評分 3.9 (10) They are easy to activate! They are good quality! Some of these same cards have been used for over 10 years and still going! We use these ...

HID® Proximity™

Low frequency, entry-level proximity cards for physical access control.

PG-PROXS-L-B1 EM Proximity Card

Pegasus is in EM Proximity Card industry for the past 30 years and providing solutions to some of the most hi security locations in the country.

Proximity Card Types and How to Identify Them ICT Example

In today's video Mark McRae, Inaxsys' s President, will talk about ICT proximity card types and explain how to identify them.

Proximity Reader

Proximity Reader · PR-400 Mini Proximity Card Reader · PR-75R RS485 Proximity Card Reader · PR-75W Wiegand Interface Proximity Card Reader · PR-500M Mifare ...

What is a Proximity Card?

Proximity cards are used by companies and organizations that want to make a certain building or area only accessible by authorized personnel.

YARONGTECH 100pcs Proximity Card 125KHZ RFID Card EM4100 ...

供應中 評分 5.0 (1) YARONGTECH 100pcs Proximity Card 125KHZ RFID Card EM4100/4102 PVC Card ; 超過US$35 的由亚马逊配送的訂單 ; 或免費 ;。1 小時31 分鐘 ; 數量:1 ; 付款. 安全交易.


感应卡(英语:Proximity card)是一种以集成电路技术制作的非接触型电子设备,它通常使用于门禁系统上,适用于ISO/IEC 14443标准,与ISO/IEC 15693标准。


感應卡(英語:Proximity card)是一種以積體電路技術製作的非接觸型電子裝置,它通常使用於門禁系統上,適用於ISO/IEC 14443標準,與ISO/IEC 15693標準。